set terminal png size 1920, 1080 set style data linespoints set logscale y set xlabel "Compression ratio" set ylabel "Compression speed (MB/s)" set output "compression.png" plot '$datafile' every ::0::8 using 5:($4 / 1000000) linecolor "dark-violet" title "gzip", \ '$datafile' every ::0::8 using 5:($4 / 1000000):(substr(stringcolumn(1), 7, 8)) with labels textcolor "dark-violet" offset -1, -1 notitle, \ '$datafile' every ::18::27 using 5:($4 / 1000000) linecolor "navy" title "lzip", \ '$datafile' every ::18::27 using 5:($4 / 1000000):(substr(stringcolumn(1), 7, 8)) with labels textcolor "navy" offset 0, -1 notitle, \ '$datafile' every ::38::56 using 5:($4 / 1000000) linecolor "olive" title "zstd", \ '$datafile' every ::38::56 using 5:($4 / 1000000):(substr(stringcolumn(1), 7, 9)) with labels textcolor "olive" offset 1, 1 notitle set ylabel "Decompression speed (MB/s)" set output "decompression.png" plot '$datafile' every ::0::8 using 5:($7 / 1000000) linecolor "dark-violet" title "gzip", \ '$datafile' every ::0::8 using 5:($7 / 1000000):(substr(stringcolumn(1), 7, 8)) with labels textcolor "dark-violet" offset 0, -1 notitle, \ '$datafile' every ::18::27 using 5:($7 / 1000000) linecolor "navy" title "lzip", \ '$datafile' every ::18::27 using 5:($7 / 1000000):(substr(stringcolumn(1), 7, 8)) with labels textcolor "navy" offset 0, -1 notitle, \ '$datafile' every ::38::56 using 5:($7 / 1000000) linecolor "olive" title "zstd", \ '$datafile' every ::38::56 using 5:($7 / 1000000):(substr(stringcolumn(1), 7, 8)) with labels textcolor "olive" offset 0, -1 notitle