Hi Catonano, Catonano 写道: > Say that some people file bugs in the Guix issue tracker > requesting the > packaging of some software projects > > Can a list of such requests be seen in any way ? […] > Is there any specific tagging scheme to be used for package > requests filing ? Not that I know of. It's all very ad-hoc and things get lost & forgotten. is the closest thing we have to an ‘official’ list. While a structured approach would be much better than our wiki page, I prefer that wiki page over *our* bug tracker. Please, if you see any package requests on the (bug) mailing lists, tell them about it and help keep it up to date. > Is there any repository anywhere hosting a project for > extracting such > requests from the issue tracker and displaying them nicely in a > web page? That would be nice. I do wonder if making things shinier will suffice to lure those elusive packaging gnomes. Kind regards, T G-R