Hi! I wanted to play with Hydra and found it did not build and so did not some of its dependencies. Our nix package got updated which broke the hydra build. First I downgraded nix to 1.8. That worked, eventually. We decided on #guix that we'd rather upgrade than downgrade. So I upgraded hydra to latest git and did not get past build problems. The Hydra git does not mention anything on dependencies or versions. I asked on #guix and later on #nixos. Finally I found this comment from last February https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/issues/270 "You have to use NixUnstable or go a few Hydra commits back." So after a couple of iterations in the Hydra git I settled on a commit from 20151030 (just after a compile fix that I ran into). Two perl packages did not build anymore (failing tests), so I disabled the tests. Hydra also has two new dependencies, which I added. Greetings, Jan