Hey! Following on from the governance discussion at the Guix Days earlier this year, I'm not sure what progress has been made. I'd still like to get the QA stuff in to a more sustainable state, whether that means shutting things down or moving the services to be run by the project/Guix Foundation and getting more people involved. I know nothing about Sociocracy, but I did like what I heard about it at the Guix Days, so I want to at least work out what a minimally viable circle around this would look like, and whether there's support for setting one up. I think the domain of responsibility would include: - Making changes to Guix - Patches and patch review - Merging branches - "Supported" architectures - Processes, services and tooling related to patches and branches - qa.guix.gnu.org - data.qa.guix.gnu.org - The bit of bordeaux.guix.gnu.org that builds patches and branches - The bit of ci.guix.gnu.org that's used for branches - The "Managing Patches and Branches" docs - https://guix.gnu.org/manual/devel/en/html_node/Managing-Patches-and-Branches.html - Tracking bugs/issues - issues.guix.gnu.org - debbugs.guix.gnu.org - Guix System tests This probably isn't a perfect list, and I'm not sure Quality Assurance is the right framing on this, but I think it's a good place to start. Given there aren't any other explicit circles, I'm not quite sure what to do here. I think it would be good if one of the maintainers volunteered to be a member, and I think it would also be good to have a member from the Guix Foundation SAC (which I am). I'm also not sure what the ideal size is, but it's probably not two people so I think there's a need for at least one or two additional people to volunteer to be initial members. The final thing is to have some regular meeting, ideally a less than 30 minute voice or video call every month, which would be about discussing and making decisions on things in this area. If no one else wants to organise this bit, I can commit to organising the meetings initially. Any thoughts, questions or volunteer members? Thanks, Chris