Thanks, Andreas!

For my own education I just tried running ./configure with no arguments on Ubuntu and it ran without error. I wasnt actually able to run pre-inst-env afterwards though since I am not an administrator on that system. That behavior, though, seems consistent with what I think you are saying: setting up pre-inst-env is currently easier by default for foreign distro users than for guixsd users. I can see how that made perfect sense when Guix was only used with a foreign distro. I don't know much about what is actually happening in ./configure, but it also makes sense to me that the default now should depend on what the host system actually is. Then the manual could include those standard lines in a source block explicitly and it will all seem routine and not at all scary to people like me. It already seems smart enough to do that given it could make the right suggestion in my case.

On February 10, 2023 4:30:49 AM EST, Andreas Enge <> wrote:
Hello Kyle,

Am Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 03:10:02AM +0000 schrieb Kyle Andrews:
configure: error: chosen localstatedir '/usr/local/var' does not match that of the existing installation '/var'

you should do exactly as suggested: Before running "make", configure the
Guix source code not by "./configure", but
./configure --localstatedir=/var

Personally I think this is a bug in Guix: It was chosen to follow the
standard configure behaviour (installation directories under /usr/local).
But it would probably be better to let the Guix behaviour be the one
that everybody wants (especially newcomers), and to leave options like
--localstatedir to people needing to do something unusual.
