Hi I find use of the term 'advanced' wrt Guix confusing and even mildly excluding, even though it is wide-spread. What is advanced about Guix? Can I use it even if I'm not an advanced user? What do others think? Is there some historical background for this description of Guix? How about the attached patch to merely drop this term in some place? I would happily agree that Guix supports and encourages advanced features. But that is not exactly the same as saying Guix itself is advanced. If we want to use the term, I think it would be better to rephrase things as 'Guix supports advanced features such as X, Y and Z' if we really want to drive home that we are advanced. I would prefer to use a basic or even simple operating system, and I'd like to think Guix can be that for me, but maybe everyone has different preferences, so maybe it doesn't really have to say anything. (Or we could re-claim a variant of Debian's old slogan 'Guix - a free universal operating system' but that may be controversial...) The patch is meant as food for thought as I'm sure I'm missing something, and it may be a language/cultural thing. /Simon