Hi, Just a quick note to update on elogind status. Elogind is an attempt to rip logind out of systemd. logind integrates with PAM to expose the org.freedesktop.login1 interface over D-Bus. It also integrates with polkit to let polkit know who is logged in at the console. Gnome-session and gnome-settings-daemon both have logind integration of some kind, using the d-bus interface, and actually the logind support is necessary for basic things to work like backlight control and suspend/resume. Anyway. I forked the systemd repo and removed most of the non-logind parts. What's remaining is a library that pokes elogind's internal state, exposed over the filesystem, to query user/seats/slices, the daemon itself, a pam module, and a couple of test binaries (loginctl, systemd-inhibit). Most names were changed from systemd to logind but not all, for compatibility reasons. The name "elogind" was chosen because it was available and it's like "eudev". libelogind is an equivalent to libsystemd, for some things. It should be enough for GNOME, anyway. There are still some files that could probably be removed but it's in a pretty good state there. It compiles but I haven't gotten it integrated in Guix yet. However since I won't have time for the next couple weeks to work on it, and don't intend to spend much time on it anyway, I put the repo here for your interest: https://github.com/andywingo/elogind You can "git clone" that URL. To make, do "intltoolize --automake --force && autoreconf -vif" and then configure as usual. Attached is the beginnings of a Guix file to build the thing. Regards, Andy