Hi Jonathan, I'll only address the first part, because we already have a nice solution to that. Jonathan Frederickson writes: > Hello Guix, > > I recently had a discussion in #spritely on Libera.Chat about Guix and > Nix, and in particular a (relatively) new feature of Nix called flakes > that Guix doesn't currently have an analogue for. > > I've been a Guix user for a while, but I've only recently started > looking at using Guix for development via ~guix shell~ as in this blog > post by David Thompson[0]. The Guile port of Spritely has been using it, > so I've been trying it out for one of my own projects as a result. And > it seems pretty nice; you're using the same package definitions you > might use when contributing a package upstream to Guix, which feels > pretty natural as someone already pretty familiar with Guix as a user. > > However, I noticed something about the resulting dependency graph that > feels somewhat unsatisfying. When you define a package, the > dependencies you provide in e.g. ~inputs~ are references to > packages. And the way you get those is, of course, by importing > modules containing those packages. > > But the package you end up with each time you do that... depends on > which revision of Guix you're running when you run ~guix shell~! So if > I point someone to a project with a ~guix.scm~ file, they might not be > able to use it if their Guix revision is too old. (Or too new, if > packages have been renamed or removed.) More generally, it means that > they do not end up with the same dependency graph that I do. This > makes troubleshooting potentially tricky, because if something breaks > you have to check the resulting profile to see which versions of your > package's dependencies (and transitive dependencies) are actually > installed. But we do have a nice solution for this problem: `guix time-machine`! You can use a Guix from any commit you want alongside other channels, by just knowing what commits people are using. If projects do rely on specific versions of dependencies, they can distribute a channels.scm file to be consumed by `guix time-machine`. Now my personal opinion: you should note that it's a very bad idea in general to rely on specific versions of dependencies. Downstream consumers of your software should be able to use it with up-to-date dependencies, because they can provide security benefits, bugfixes, etc. Having version pinning like in go leads to dependency hell, and should be frowned upon. Best, -- Josselin Poiret