Thank you Efraim, this is awesome! Efraim Flashner writes: > For the first one I used the #:extra-options route and compiled a list. > The second one I tried I created a custom kernel and left #:defconfig as > #f and inherited that to add a kconfig to the native-inputs. Oh, I think I had missed the #:defconfig option when I tried. > Once I read a bit more of the kernel documentation it wasn't too bad to > create a list of what I needed. Which documentation in particular? > tar xf $(guix build linux-libre -S) > cd linux-libre > touch .config > guix environment linux-libre > make localmodconfig > > copy that into .config Copy what into .config? > and fix the formatting > > make localmodconfig Why fixing the formatting? How? With a second `make localmodconfig'? > if that works well enough then add "CONFIG_MODULES=y" to .config and > you're ready to try it out. What does CONFIG_MODULES=y change? (Not on my computer now, can't check in my local linux checkout.) This walkthrough is invaluable in my opinion. So far I was under the impression that many members of the Guix community were annoyed by kernel compilation time and had tried to customize it, but it's really hard. This process would make for an excellent blog article in my opinion! :D -- Pierre Neidhardt