Hello Katherine, Katherine Cox-Buday writes: > Hey Guix! > > Very often I find myself updating systems only to get stuck on building > something large like LibreOffice or Un-Googled Chromium. Usually the > substitutes for these are available a few days later. > > It would be nice if I could pass a flag to `guix package -u` that would > disallow building in the event a substitute wasn't available. Is that > `--fallback=false`? If so, that's a double-negative; is there a clearer > way to represent both without acreting options? I don't think there is an option for this. It would certainly be helpful if there were one. Currently, my workaround is to create a manifest listing packages to be installed: https://notabug.org/alexvong1995/guix-package-declaration/src/master/manifest and run "guix package -m ./manifest" instead of "guix package -u". [emacs-guix users can run the interactive function `guix-apply-manifest' instead.] When there is a package without substitutes, I will stop the command, comment out the said package and re-run the command. I will also re-try after a few days when more substitutes are available. Hope this help! Cheers, Alex