1. emacs can't build emacs.git's snapshot for some reason
2. I think let guile-emacs inherit emacs-snapshot or emacs-next is more reasonable, for guile-emacs is a kind of emacs-next.
By the way, when I use the below command:
guix build emacs-snapshot --with-source=./emacs-snapshot-20151111.tar.gz
to build a new emacs-snapshot, How can i install it? I can't find any help on manual....
At the momenti, i only use guix as a tool to build emacs-snapshot. but I find it is not easy use as evm, i have to switch back evm.
At 2015-11-12 20:52:47, "ludo@gnu.org (Ludovic" <=?utf-8?Q?Court=C3=A8s?=)> wrote:
>tumashu <tumashu@163.com> skribis:
>> Suggest add emacs-next or emacs-snapshot and let guile-emacs inherit it, The reason is that
>> user can use it build emacs from emacs.git conveniently£¬ for example:
>> guix build emacs-snapshot --with-source=./emacs-snapshot-20151111.tar.gz
>To use --with-source, all you need to do is to rename the tarball to
>¡®emacs-20151111.tar.gz¡¯; after that, you can run:
> guix build emacs --with-source=emacs-20151111.tar.gz
>That¡¯s because --with-source expects the tarball name to match the
>package name (info "(guix) Invoking guix build").
>Now, it might make sense to also provide an ¡®emacs-snapshot¡¯ package,
>built from a Git checkout and regularly updated. Would you like to try
>I think the package would simply inherit from ¡®guile-emacs¡¯ and provide
>a different ¡®name¡¯, ¡®version¡¯, and ¡®source¡¯.