On Tuesday, August 07, 2018 23:33 CEST, Tatiana Sholokhova <tanja201396@gmail.com> wrote:

I thought about writing the summary of and sending it to the mailing list, but now I think that a blog post would be more convenient for a reader. What is the source format for guix blog markdown and is where something special I need to know about preparing the blog post? Also, I would like to create a draft version of the final document and share it with you in order to discuss it before publishing.
$ git clone git://git.savannah.gnu.org/guix/guix-artwork.git guix/artwork
$ cd guix/artwork/website/
$ guix package -i git glibc-locales gnutls guile guile-json guile-syntax-highlight guix haunt


$ GUIX_WEB_SITE_LOCAL=yes haunt build
$ haunt serve

The blog post are sxml or markdown inside posts/ directory inside website/.

Send a patch with your blog post using: git format-patch -p1.