Hi, I was having trouble using substitutes, so I decided to investigate it. I found out that when retrieving the batch of .narinfo files from the server, my connection was always being closed after the first response. Therefore, I would always be reconnecting to the server with every request in the batch still to process, and this reconnecting would be repeated infinitely, or at least until my Internet went down. Based on the documentation for the "connection: close" header, I think that this first response should be complete, so we can use it. Maybe I'm wrong; I'm not totally familiar with how http works. I also considered ensuring that a good response code was received, but the handler deals with error response codes as well, so it seemed superfluous. This patch will make use of the last response from the server, before reconnecting to try the next one. With it I was able to successfully build and run links. Let me know if my understanding is off, or if there's a better approach. Thanks, Andy