Hi Reading this http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/tree/gnu/services/monitoring.scm I would like to know what darkstat is without having to look elsewhere. None of the (define-s have docstrings and the top comment ;;; ;;; darkstat ;;; does not help much. prometheus-node-exporter-shepherd-service is just as little documented in the same file. From the file I have no idea what this does as its only documentation is: |(shepherd-service (documentation "Prometheus node exporter.")| --- http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/tree/gnu/services/admin.scm Is generally a little better documented with docstrings. But here a header like ;;; ;;; darkstat ;;; is missing for rottlog and also a short description of what rottlog does. (from the name and peeking at the code I'm guessing it rotates logs but many services have arbitrary names, especially to newcomers on GNU/Linux) -- Cheers Swedebugia