tree 0338ccc329fbb7cb4009b949473050405b4a5715 (path unknown)
size name
2013 abduco.scm
5399 abiword.scm
6354 accessibility.scm
1679 acct.scm
3656 acl.scm
4389 ada.scm
145552 admin.scm
4184 adns.scm
9189 agda.scm
7866 aidc.scm
63224 algebra.scm
40392 android.scm
12578 animation.scm
2878 anthy.scm
7329 antivirus.scm
2193 apl.scm
4303 apr.scm
11501 arcan.scm
17535 aspell.scm
12999 assembly.scm
10965 astronomy.scm
2879 attr.scm
154702 audio.scm
2588 augeas.scm
5568 authentication.scm
3063 autogen.scm
18613 autotools.scm
d - aux-files/
4656 avahi.scm
7275 avr.scm
29526 axoloti.scm
41788 backup.scm
60759 base.scm
15092 bash.scm
8803 batik.scm
5932 bdw-gc.scm
9886 benchmark.scm
272578 bioconductor.scm
629540 bioinformatics.scm
3053 bison.scm
19837 bittorrent.scm
13611 boost.scm
43963 bootloaders.scm
34139 bootstrap.scm
12015 build-tools.scm
6344 busybox.scm
10501 c.scm
3487 calcurse.scm
9264 calendar.scm
2450 ccache.scm
39909 cdrom.scm
5208 cedille.scm
8921 certs.scm
94975 check.scm
14269 chemistry.scm
27260 chez.scm
2711 chicken.scm
39433 chromium.scm
7107 ci.scm
3320 cinnamon.scm
13328 clojure.scm
5230 cluster.scm
11673 cmake.scm
2997 cobol.scm
29666 code.scm
111506 commencement.scm
90461 compression.scm
5990 compton.scm
3495 conky.scm
7227 connman.scm
3594 cook.scm
25693 coq.scm
1971 cpio.scm
15723 cpp.scm
1775 cppi.scm
690702 cran.scm
525052 crates-io.scm
23645 cross-base.scm
44869 crypto.scm
6211 cryptsetup.scm
38501 cups.scm
11056 curl.scm
3640 cvassistant.scm
3020 cyrus-sasl.scm
133253 databases.scm
1963 datamash.scm
12310 datastructures.scm
4788 dav.scm
6103 dbm.scm
2233 dc.scm
8357 debian.scm
18822 debug.scm
3510 dejagnu.scm
3527 dico.scm
16489 dictionaries.scm
15563 diffoscope.scm
2267 digest.scm
2610 direct-connect.scm
33765 disk.scm
11465 display-managers.scm
4054 distributed.scm
38757 django.scm
3985 djvu.scm
15952 dlang.scm
39286 dns.scm
11815 docbook.scm
31431 docker.scm
10056 documentation.scm
7632 drones.scm
3744 dunst.scm
2311 dvtm.scm
4444 easyrpg.scm
14789 ebook.scm
2378 ed.scm
39289 education.scm
8396 efi.scm
10736 electronics.scm
10959 elf.scm
5028 elixir.scm
3960 elm.scm
837194 emacs-xyz.scm
21159 emacs.scm
57136 embedded.scm
61955 emulators.scm
5227 enchant.scm
100963 engineering.scm
23842 enlightenment.scm
3036 entr.scm
10103 erlang.scm
9625 fabric-management.scm
5107 fcitx.scm
1797 figlet.scm
23250 file-systems.scm
2342 file.scm
52852 finance.scm
24561 firmware.scm
18445 flashing-tools.scm
3673 flex.scm
6096 fltk.scm
66917 fonts.scm
31926 fontutils.scm
2424 forth.scm
13985 fpga.scm
63220 freedesktop.scm
2072 freeipmi.scm
2152 fribidi.scm
10962 ftp.scm
3341 fvwm.scm
84272 game-development.scm
410038 games.scm
3785 gawk.scm
2889 gcal.scm
44656 gcc.scm
6535 gd.scm
6097 gdb.scm
4610 genealogy.scm
8258 genimage.scm
57282 geo.scm
10707 gettext.scm
16832 ghostscript.scm
16060 gimp.scm
2451 gkrellm.scm
38837 gl.scm
42868 glib.scm
14898 gnome-xyz.scm
390204 gnome.scm
4109 gnu-doc.scm
2378 gnu-pw-mgr.scm
13605 gnucash.scm
15605 gnunet.scm
44498 gnupg.scm
11910 gnustep.scm
57022 gnuzilla.scm
7738 gobby.scm
138084 golang.scm
2354 gperf.scm
7100 gpodder.scm
8260 gps.scm
20443 graph.scm
47214 graphics.scm
14428 graphviz.scm
8199 groff.scm
47230 groovy.scm
4354 gsasl.scm
22432 gstreamer.scm
75457 gtk.scm
9225 guile-wm.scm
123176 guile-xyz.scm
27295 guile.scm
3247 gv.scm
2352 gxmessage.scm
6861 ham-radio.scm
11670 hardware.scm
29504 haskell-apps.scm
35862 haskell-check.scm
32971 haskell-crypto.scm
63173 haskell-web.scm
503478 haskell-xyz.scm
26856 haskell.scm
4680 hexedit.scm
3688 hugs.scm
12336 hurd.scm
4059 hyperledger.scm
5384 i2p.scm
30352 ibus.scm
5482 icu4c.scm
12316 idris.scm
2816 idutils.scm
33092 image-processing.scm
22966 image-viewers.scm
73204 image.scm
9344 imagemagick.scm
2239 inklingreader.scm
3876 inkscape.scm
6869 installers.scm
12638 ipfs.scm
18106 irc.scm
4113 iso-codes.scm
13337 java-compression.scm
5228 java-graphics.scm
3607 java-maths.scm
504183 java.scm
18924 javascript.scm
3218 jemalloc.scm
1999 jose.scm
2440 jrnl.scm
21593 julia.scm
7705 jupyter.scm
2127 kawa.scm
146914 kde-frameworks.scm
17727 kde-internet.scm
25700 kde-multimedia.scm
39939 kde-pim.scm
8178 kde-plasma.scm
11322 kde-systemtools.scm
19288 kde-utils.scm
27020 kde.scm
9170 kerberos.scm
2120 key-mon.scm
21509 kodi.scm
34664 language.scm
2653 lean.scm
5447 lego.scm
2083 less.scm
1817 lesstif.scm
2092 libbsd.scm
6105 libcanberra.scm
2903 libdaemon.scm
2002 libedit.scm
9533 libevent.scm
1922 libffcall.scm
9887 libffi.scm
1943 libftdi.scm
3562 libidn.scm
1747 libphidget.scm
43760 libreoffice.scm
2731 libsigsegv.scm
3159 libunistring.scm
2318 libunwind.scm
23860 libusb.scm
8295 license.scm
3418 lighting.scm
264766 linux.scm
6374 lirc.scm
388392 lisp-xyz.scm
44641 lisp.scm
32313 llvm.scm
8210 logging.scm
2829 logo.scm
2418 lolcode.scm
5633 lout.scm
5252 lsof.scm
27757 lua.scm
20723 lxde.scm
51055 lxqt.scm
2700 m4.scm
89252 machine-learning.scm
6604 magic-wormhole.scm
127089 mail.scm
39500 make-bootstrap.scm
11666 man.scm
10159 markup.scm
1763 marst.scm
2511 mastodon.scm
57298 mate.scm
215093 maths.scm
77802 maven.scm
4522 mc.scm
4576 mcrypt.scm
2420 medical.scm
12538 mes.scm
79908 messaging.scm
2210 microcom.scm
5931 mingw.scm
2223 moe.scm
17772 monitoring.scm
5413 mono.scm
3243 moreutils.scm
1669 motti.scm
22705 mp3.scm
14056 mpd.scm
17644 mpi.scm
2845 mtools.scm
16175 multiprecision.scm
206348 music.scm
2190 musl.scm
2140 nano.scm
2117 ncdu.scm
15896 ncurses.scm
8155 netpbm.scm
4089 nettle.scm
115895 networking.scm
5480 nfs.scm
2471 nickle.scm
3123 nim.scm
3110 ninja.scm
9141 node-xyz.scm
8337 node.scm
5114 noweb.scm
8487 nss.scm
8076 ntp.scm
3245 nutrition.scm
2907 nvi.scm
218496 ocaml.scm
6168 ocr.scm
6612 onc-rpc.scm
3926 openbox.scm
16421 opencl.scm
11715 opencog.scm
16905 openldap.scm
32999 openstack.scm
4287 orpheus.scm
3497 ots.scm
46198 package-management.scm
11672 parallel.scm
45042 password-utils.scm
d - patches/
21074 patchutils.scm
3933 pciutils.scm
5551 pcre.scm
53025 pdf.scm
1795 pem.scm
57478 perl-check.scm
5954 perl-compression.scm
4732 perl-web.scm
400602 perl.scm
31302 perl6.scm
4962 phabricator.scm
21616 photo.scm
17315 php.scm
5231 pkg-config.scm
13402 plotutils.scm
3027 poedit.scm
8396 polkit.scm
6666 popt.scm
11516 pretty-print.scm
4923 printers.scm
17492 profiling.scm
6044 prolog.scm
10052 protobuf.scm
2338 pth.scm
17510 pulseaudio.scm
2812 pumpio.scm
2668 pure.scm
1855 pv.scm
12751 python-check.scm
9555 python-compression.scm
45364 python-crypto.scm
12313 python-science.scm
127351 python-web.scm
643187 python-xyz.scm
27772 python.scm
111975 qt.scm
2112 ragel.scm
23067 rails.scm
4030 ratpoison.scm
2860 rcm.scm
5598 rdesktop.scm
14536 rdf.scm
2039 re2c.scm
6494 readline.scm
4097 rednotebook.scm
4377 regex.scm
5450 robotics.scm
4002 rrdtool.scm
4117 rsync.scm
322028 ruby.scm
1834 rush.scm
14595 rust-apps.scm
50937 rust.scm
17714 sagemath.scm
19191 samba.scm
7716 sawfish.scm
10826 scanner.scm
44903 scheme.scm
7673 screen.scm
4790 scribus.scm
2967 scsi.scm
2821 sdcc.scm
27636 sdl.scm
2433 sdr.scm
17524 search.scm
25040 security-token.scm
17826 selinux.scm
18758 serialization.scm
2384 serveez.scm
34817 shells.scm
13719 shellutils.scm
3872 simh.scm
31987 simulation.scm
16045 skarnet.scm
3811 skribilo.scm
5919 slang.scm
5751 smalltalk.scm
3021 sml.scm
20700 speech.scm
23919 sphinx.scm
12483 spice.scm
4387 sqlite.scm
3589 squirrel.scm
33655 ssh.scm
7342 sssd.scm
2012 stalonetray.scm
211021 statistics.scm
4594 stb.scm
11304 storage.scm
27443 suckless.scm
3770 swig.scm
15539 sync.scm
45984 syncthing.scm
5374 syndication.scm
3119 synergy.scm
2329 task-management.scm
4550 tbb.scm
16497 tcl.scm
41428 telephony.scm
48619 terminals.scm
2100 terraform.scm
333342 tex.scm
9624 texinfo.scm
35589 text-editors.scm
41482 textutils.scm
15852 time.scm
41950 tls.scm
7844 tmux.scm
11260 tor.scm
7971 toys.scm
6912 tryton.scm
2761 tv.scm
3904 uml.scm
5320 unicode.scm
2003 unrtf.scm
6225 upnp.scm
7782 usb-modeswitch.scm
2250 uucp.scm
3491 valgrind.scm
100280 version-control.scm
155559 video.scm
39831 vim.scm
59049 virtualization.scm
12104 vnc.scm
22343 vpn.scm
14996 vulkan.scm
3405 w3m.scm
2227 wdiff.scm
25643 web-browsers.scm
291495 web.scm
9592 webkit.scm
7035 wget.scm
9337 wicd.scm
29261 wine.scm
10730 wireservice.scm
66091 wm.scm
4791 wordnet.scm
2499 wv.scm
12959 wxwidgets.scm
82807 xdisorg.scm
78059 xfce.scm
6034 xfig.scm
19826 xiph.scm
87345 xml.scm
2087 xnee.scm
213540 xorg.scm
5855 zile.scm
3811 zwave.scm
debug log:
solving 3638382 ...
found 3638382 in
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Tree objects belong to commits or other tree objects. Trees may
reference blobs, sub-trees, or (rarely) commits of submodules.
Path names are stored in tree objects, but trees do not know
their own path name. A tree's path name comes from their parent tree,
or it is the root tree referenced by a commit object. Thus, this web UI
relies on the `b=' URI parameter as a hint to display the path name.
Code repositories for project(s) associated with this public inbox
This is a public inbox, see mirroring instructions
for how to clone and mirror all data and code used for this inbox;
as well as URLs for read-only IMAP folder(s) and NNTP newsgroup(s).