> 1. We can only approximate that actual profile content; storing > an approximate ‘manifest.scm’ along with the profile would IMO be > deceptive. Is this a technical barrier or a pragmatic one? If it is the former, then I don't quite grok why. I explain my reasoning in great detail in a previous reply, but the gist is this: generating profiles is deterministic, no? That is, given the inputs of channel revision, command line invocation, and any referred-to external files, then `guix time-machine' is enough to recreate a profile, no? If the problem is of pragmatics, then at the very least I would be interested in hearing a delineation of the challenges. I think this could be helpful for the discussion though. > Yeah, I think our goal is just to provide a tool to migrate from the > “imperative” way to the declarative way. Once people have gotten > started with manifests, they no longer need that migration tool. Would you mind commenting on the use case that I started this thread with? Specifically, I was trying to `guix pack' a `guix environment'. The equivalent is straightforward for purely --ad-hoc environments but not otherwise. Personally, I have already encountered several instances where this would have been useful. I also think it would be just plain cool to have the ability to pack up, containerize, and share arbitrary profiles with non-guix users. Thoughts?