Hello, I'm working with Heads on using Guix to build Heads' source code reproducibly. Now, Heads has most of its stuff on CI servers that use Docker for a lot of things. Therefore, I used Guix pack in the usual way to create a recent Guix binary release and then just loaded that into a docker container, using that to run "guix build". That got me thinking--this situation is pretty common. Do you think it would make sense to actually build and release a Docker container for Guix (not guix system; just guix-the-package-manager)? While I was researching gitlab, I came across a feature where they have their own Docker container registry on there. Apparently, the Docker CLI can fetch from whatever server the user wants! $ docker run [options] registry.gitlab.com/group/project/image [arguments] That got me thinking, we could easily also release Guix on something like that. Is our HTTP webserver enough to have a Docker registry, without installing extra stuff? $ docker run localhost/foo Unable to find image 'localhost/foo:latest' locally docker: Error response from daemon: Get "http://localhost/v2/": dial tcp connect: connection refused. Aha! Do we want to do it?