I’m pleased to announce Guile-SQLite3 version 0.1.2: git clone https://notabug.org/guile-sqlite3/guile-sqlite3.git cd guile-sqlite3 git checkout v0.1.2 git tag -v v0.1.2 The ‘git tag -v’ command checks the authenticity of your checkout. You may need to retrieve the signing key first: gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 76CEC6B17274B465C02DB3D9E71A35542C30BAA5 Guile-SQLite3 provides Guile 2.x and Guile 3.x bindings to the SQLite database engine. It was originally written by Andy Wingo, with contributions from several people. Changes compared to the previous release are: * sqlite-finalize: Allow finalizing the same statement twice again. Danny.