Hi Ludo, Hi Chris, > What would it take to allow for password-less sudo? We could do that. Example from /etc/sudoers: guest ALL=NOPASSWD:/run/current-system/profile/bin/mount /x > > - "sudo herd status" reports that term-auto and user-homes is stopped, > > which I think might be intended, but I'm not sure. user-homes is a one-shot service, so technically it's good if it's stopped. Maybe it makes sense to say that it's a one-shot service, or not list it at all by default or something. term-auto is cheating in order to be able to present a login on the serial console if the Linux kernel is started with a serial console. If the Linux kernel is started without a serial console (normal for x86_64 laptops etc), then term-auto will just stop. It's mostly intended for ARM machines (and x86_64 servers, I guess).