Hi Laura, On Fri, 8 Feb 2019 12:25:41 -0300 Laura Lazzati wrote: > This is the output of my guix --version, which shows a commit. > guix --version > guix (GNU Guix) 9d58e8819fdbc4c1c8a1ef6149e2d2376731a6a6 > Copyright (C) 2019 the Guix authors This commit seems to be very recent, so not sure what you mean. (it's from Feb 8 2019) > And both for installing stuff with guix package or even guix pulling, > I need to add the subsitute option for using https://ci.guix.info > Otherwhise it uses the mirror from hydra. That's weird... Is your guix-daemon also recent? Try: /proc/$(pidof -s guix-daemon)/exe -V in order to find out its version. What does it say? Does your system configuration in /etc/config.scm specify custom substitute-urls ?