On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 00:47:42 +0100 zimoun wrote: > To me the question is more about how to automatically detect that a > patch breaks another package than a policy to remove a broken package. > > I mean if we are able to automatically detect 6 months later that a > package is broken, why are we not able to report the failure earlier? > And if it is not automatic, this means that someone reports the > failure by hand, so somehow this patch is important to them and then > why remove it? 1. To check that A has dependency B and upgrading A breaks B: We discussed on Guix-Days on how to automate this and there are some ideas around, but nothing fully-automated is there yet. Current state: When updating A, developers can call "guix refresh -l" and see which B's are affected and can build them too (if not too much). Also, the build farms are evaluating them eventually and you can manually look up if something went wrong (though this is tedious and errors can slip through). So, no, there currently is no automatic notification/report. Thus, someone does this by hand. If it is a package of interest to that person, they at least write a bug report or have ideas on how to fix it. It could also be a person that has no direct interest or is not an expert for that package. For example, I sometimes just go through the errors of the latest evaluations (https://hydra.gnu.org/evals) and see if anything can be done. Then I notice that it probably broke because of some qt-update, nobody cared, nobody still cares, I'm looking on how to fix it, upstream has no patches since months/years, project was forked, totally restructured etc. If then after a post to the list still nobody shouts up, I find it reasonable to remove the package. Sure the period of 6 months is just a rough notion. Björn