On Tue, 10 Jul 2018 14:29:49 -0400 rchar01 wrote: > I was looking for a way to compare Guix packages (versions, quantity) > with other distributions and found a simple solution: > https://repology.org/ https://github.com/repology/repology > > Best, > Robert Hi Robert, thanks for bringing attention back to this nice site! ng0 already mentioned it a while ago and I'm looking at it from time to time. Here is the overview page for Guix with some statistics and graphs: https://repology.org/repository/gnuguix Note the slowly degration in the graph as other distros update their packages. Then we have a rapid step up, caused by either core-updates/staging-merges or updating of the websites package list. And this is the list of outdated Packages (Much work to pick from :-) ): https://repology.org/metapackages/?inrepo=gnuguix&outdated=1 Currently, the site says we have 2494 out of 7855 packages outdated, so about a quarter of our packages are outdated. Repology doesn't check the upstream sites, so outdatedness in Repology is always relative to the other distros. There could be even more work. From the overview page, there is also a link to a problems page: https://repology.org/repository/gnuguix/problems We have 914 "problems". Recently that was at about 300. The problems are mainly redirects http->https, some dead sites or 404-errors. The big jump with about 600 new problems came due to the closing of CPAN search engine, now you should use MetaCPAN. There is also a REST API for Repology. One could even write a "checker"/updater for Guix, though I wasn't sure how it would fit into the zoo of (language-)specialized updaters Guix has. Finally Repology has some rules to fit package names of different distributions together to socalled "metapackages": https://github.com/repology/repology-rules Whenever there are packages in Guix that do not compare to those of others distros, one could offer a pull-request against the rules-sourcecode-repository. Björn