Our website currently shows no videos at all. In some of the blogposts some of the talks are linked to and included. A custom search including 'guix video site:gnu.org' (via searx) gives you a bit more, but it's still a bad showcase. We have talks in the artwork repository - but are those all of the talks people have given in our community? If not, we should encourage and actively advertise and include them in the homepage somehow. Be more visible. Same goes for the videos. We should actively selfhost (or move content (videos)) to GNU servers) content that is currently located elsewhere. We have no control on external sources. If it's on the servers of some conference today, who knows if the links will still work in 1, 3, or even 10 years? Who knows if the data will still exist on their end in the future? This is somewhat of an echoe of an ongoing structuring in GNUnet. In one of the exchanges I had with Torproject they told me that they selfhosts all their talk sources, recordings of them (iirc), and papers (anonbib). I'm still in the process of applying this for GNUnet. I really want to see an extension to the homepage for talks, papers, recordins on and around Guix. Even Guix-HPC is just linked via Blog Posts. It requires too much mouse movements to get to this information. Even what we used to have on the old website wasn't complete. I'm not opening this as a bug because I want to gather input first. -- GnuPG: A88C8ADD129828D7EAC02E52E22F9BBFEE348588 GnuPG: https://c.n0.is/ng0_pubkeys/tree/keys WWW: https://n0.is