Никита Чураев transcribed 0.7K bytes: > Here's how I want to use Guix and it is to increase contributor-friendliness > of a project, so that the user can simply run a distribution-independent > command to install all dependencies without having to hunt for them with > `apt` and `dnf` manually. > > Unfortunately, Guix itself is not very easy to install, and the instructions > are full of rather technical stuff like 'systemd' and 'upstart'. > > https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/html_node/Binary-Installation.html > > There should be a script like the one Haskell Stack uses: > > |curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh| Hi, Personally I fail to see how piping an arbitrary shell command improves access to Guix itself. This must be a recent trend, I've seen it first maybe 7 years ago. What do you think is bad about the Handbook? We are open to suggestions for improvement. > IMO supporting this as a use case could really bring popularity to GNU Guix. > > |||| > > || > > > -- GnuPG: A88C8ADD129828D7EAC02E52E22F9BBFEE348588 GnuPG: https://c.n0.is/ng0_pubkeys/tree/keys WWW: https://n0.is