Thanks for the feedback. I hadn't really considered installing on a VM, so that's another scenario to think about. I agree that the 'filesystems' page could be better thought out and made a bit less confusing. The "tooltip" idea is an interesting one. I will think about it. Like you say however we are always constrained by the amount of screen real estate available. J' On Wed, Jan 04, 2017 at 02:18:33PM +0100, Thomas Danckaert wrote: I was just playing with it a bit yesterday (I built my own installation image according to the instructions in the manual), and tried to install to a qemu vm. I also ran the installer from my git checkout (running ./pre-inst-env guix system installer and browsing the menus without actually installing anything). Here are some remarks, which perhaps mostly illustrate my own confusion, but might serve to make the interface easier to understand :-) - General usability: It would be nice to have something like a tooltip (text at the bottom of the screen?) explaining what each button does when it's highlighted. It wasn't obvious to me what buttons such as ???Continue??? ???Back??? ???Save??? ???Write??? or ???Check??? would do, and which buttons were required or optional. Maybe my confusion was partly caused by the fact that some buttons don't seem to work (see next). This is just a suggestion, I'm not sure if there's room on the screen for more text. A manual accompanying the interface could also help, but a self-explanatory interface is of course better :) - From???partition the disks???, I can only go back to the main menu by highlighting ???Continue??? and pressing enter/space (using the ???Back??? button or ???B??? doesn't seem to work). In the ???allocate disk partitions??? menu, the Back and Continue buttons work when I select them and press ???space??? or when I press ???B??? or ???C???, but not when I select it and use ???enter??? (this takes me back to the allocation menu for the currently selected disk, possibly this is intended?) - For those not used to curses-based interfaces (like me apparently?), some explanation of which buttons to press (enter or space?) could help. Also, the shortcuts (e.g. ???B??? for back) are highlighted when I run the installer from my system (in my case, from gnome terminal), but in the tty on the VM, this highlighting is invisible. What about a pure ascii way to highlight the shortcuts, like ???ack??? and ???ontinue???? - When I choose a mount point for a partition and run ???check???, part of the check output seems to fall off the screen (see attached screenshot). Is it possible to wrap the text lines so they fit in the screen (and maybe make the output scrollable?). - Possibly a qemu issue: the interface was rather slow to respond to commands on the qemu VM. Running the installer menu ???natively??? from the guix source dir, everything was snappy. - Probably a qemu issue on my system: somehow I can't get networking to work like it says in the manual (manual says to specifiy ???-net default??? but my qemu complains this option doesn't exist, I have to use ???-net user???, but then don't seem to get a network in the VM :-/ ) , and the networking setup crashes the installer (???Command failed: no such device (-19)???) and causes a renewed automatic login. Because of the networking issue in my VM, I couldn't proceed with the actual installation. Will report back if/when I solve it. Thomas -- Avoid eavesdropping. Send strong encrypted email. PGP Public key ID: 1024D/2DE827B3 fingerprint = 8797 A26D 0854 2EAB 0285 A290 8A67 719C 2DE8 27B3 See or any PGP keyserver for public key.