On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 01:38:14PM +0530, akhilesh wrote: This is a general list of applications I use and would like to see it being made for the gnu guix project. I'm not a developer, otherwise I would try doing it myself . One of the nice things about guix, is that (compared to other distros at least) it is relatively easy to package most things. In many cases a copy/paste from some similar package with some minor touch up does the job. There are exceptions of course, but in general it doesn't need a great deal of developer expertise. J' -- Avoid eavesdropping. Send strong encryted email. PGP Public key ID: 1024D/2DE827B3 fingerprint = 8797 A26D 0854 2EAB 0285 A290 8A67 719C 2DE8 27B3 See http://sks-keyservers.net or any PGP keyserver for public key.