Hi I am trying to extract information from the quickdocs website to fill into the description. I got this code: ;; Guess the homepage of the package (define (homepage name) (string-append "http://quickdocs.org/" name "/")) (define (get-homepage name) "Get the latest meta release file. From the links in this we extract all other information we need." (call-with-temporary-output-file (lambda (temp port) (and (url-fetch (homepage name) temp) (xml->sxml (get-string-all port)))))) (display (get-homepage "1am")) But it errors out with: sxml/simple.scm:143:4: In procedure loop: Throw to key `parser-error' with args `(# "[GIMatch] broken for " (END . head) " while expecting " END link)'. The document has no link problems in the html according to https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fquickdocs.org%2F1am%2F Any ideas how to make it parse? -- Cheers Swedebugia