Hi, On Sunday, February 26, 2023 7:44:20 AM EST Andreas Enge wrote: > > In any case, I realised that we are still compiling most packages (including > KDE) with Qt 5, which is seriously outdated (not maintained any more in the > free version since May 2021). Qt 6.3 support will end in April 2023, that > of the current version Qt 6.4 in September 2023. So we have the work carved > out for a (yet to be created) Qt/KDE team. > Note that KDE maintains a patch collection for Qt 5.15: https://community.kde.org/Qt5PatchCollection There was an announcement here: https://dot.kde.org/2021/04/06/announcing-kdes-qt-5-patch-collection Patches are exclusively backports of bugfixes that have already been committed to upstream Qt 6, except that patches for Qt 5.15 components removed in Qt 6 are also accepted. The patches are curated by a small group of KDE developers who also have commit privileges in the upstream Qt Project (as distinct from the Qt Company). I think out Qt 5 packages should be based on the KDE patch collection. The patches are maintained in Git repositories with the same structure as upstream Qt. They could be extracted with `git format-patch v5.15.3-lts- lgpl..origin/kde/5.15` and added to "gnu/packages/patches/", or we could just change the origins for Qt 5 to point to KDE's repositories, e.g. this one for qt-base: https://invent.kde.org/qt/qt/qtbase/-/tree/kde/5.15 Most KDE stuff can build against Qt 6, but it will continue targeting Qt 5.15 until KDE Frameworks 6 and Plasma 6 are released (maybe as soon as the end of this year?). I'm not a Qt or C++ developer, but I'm a long-time KDE user, and I'm really excited that people have been working to get KDE into Guix: thank you! -Philip