Hi, I've set up the channel things for the antioxidant repo, so now you can put the following in channels.scm: (use-modules (guix ci)) (cons (channel (name 'antioxidated-packages) (url "https://notabug.org/maximed/cargoless-rust-experiments") (introduction (make-channel-introduction "020851ad649480ee4769b77a947642e993ea5956" (openpgp-fingerprint "C1F3 3EE2 0C52 8FDB 7DD7 011F 49E3 EE22 1917 25EE")))) (list (channel-with-substitutes-available %default-guix-channel "https://ci.guix.gnu.org"))) do "guix pull" and "guix shell antioxidated-castor -- castor" to run a 'castor' build (*) with antioxidant-build-system. (Warning: some crates were updated or added without checking the source code diff for malware!) (*) A graphical web browser for Gemini using the GTK stack, implemented in Rust. Greetings, Maxime.