Hello Guix!

My name is Nardos, and I am an Outreachy participant from Indiana University, Bloomington. I am a first time open source contributor hopeful. I am excite to be here, but I will admit I am also a little nervous. I welcome feedback as I am here to learn from all of you. I can be reached at nasfaw@iu.edu or www.nardos.dev 

I also have a few questions:

1. I am opting to run Guix in a virtual machine on a kali linux.  I have found this resource: https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Running-Guix-in-a-VM.html#Running-Guix-in-a-VM. Given your experience, would this cause a problem down the line? Any recommendation on running Guix in a virtual machine vs on my PC?

2. Upon making contributions, where is it posted? and how do I see feedbacks? I have seen lists of open projects and discussion treads such as this (https://issues.guix.gnu.org/issue/22138)  on the Guix patch tracker. Are these the issues we currently working on? 

3. Any beginner tips? and a good place to start? 

I look forward to working with you all. 

