On February 2, 2021, "Nicolò Balzarotti" <anothersms@gmail.com> wrote:
This post seems just M$ propaganda, more than a "Is anybody working on the
inclusion of Powershell?"

For what it's worth I didn't read it that way.

I use PowerShell and have spent some time looking into what it would take to build .NET Core [1] in Guix. It uses expat license [2] & would unblock lots of useful software, including PowerShell.

There's a developer guide [3] with build instructions. It seems like it ought to be doable.

If you want to get PowerShell into Guix I support that goal (with any patches necessary to remove telemetry & any nonfree bits, of course) and would be happy to provide assistance and encouragement. I think packaging Core CLR and the .NET Core tools is the first step there.


1: https://github.com/dotnet/core
2: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/LICENSE.TXT
3: https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/building/linux-instructions.md