Christopher Rodriguez Table of Contents ───────────────── I'd like to add my $0.02 as well. Seems like the issue is during the deployment, as Madhavan said. Specifically, the error message in that form only appears in `gnu/home/services/symlink-manager.scm', in the function `cleanup-symlinks'. It seems that, right now, the issue is that `ENOTEMPTY' and `ENOTDIR' are tested for and handled, but `ENOENT' is not. Ideally, this should be handled and tell the user /which/ file or directory is missing, not halt the entire process. And, since we are testing for a missing file (and thus have no chance of overwriting a user's data), it would probably make the most sense to just create the file that is missing in the next step, without stopping at all. I'll throw together a patch real quick to test with. I could be very off base, but I think this should fix this issue.