Tobias Geerinckx-Rice schreef op za 28-05-2022 om 15:35 [+0000]: > 'Accessible' just means 'available' (toeganklijk, same problem though). > > It does not generally imply 'accesibility' as used in various fields of engineering, although of course we're biased to read it so. > > Anyway, Maxime: do the buttons work for you once the codec's fixed? My computer seems to have frozen whilst building them. Pressing the ‘pause’ buttons turns it into ‘play’ button and the other way around. The next chapter/movie button doesn't work, but the file that is playing doesn't have any chapters, so not surprising. OTOH, there is another .mp4 in the same directory. The previous/next chapter are ‘accessible’ in the sense that they are visible, the cursor could be moved on top of them and moving the cursor above them displays a tiny popup, but they are unclickable. I don't know what exactly was meant by accessibility (the existence of the buttons or the pressability?) in the bug report. There is some weirdness though: * no sound (though that might be a problem in the played mp4 itself, there were some recording problems) * The pause/play button don't seem to have any effect apart from toggling what the button looks like -- the played mp4 remains frozen. Greetings, Maxime.