Hey! Turns out that, since I use the runit init system, GUIX_LOCPATH wasn't being set anytime before guix-daemon started, since /etc/profile.d/guix.sh was not sourced. As a fix I set that variable by hand in my init script. If you want to have runit as a known init system in the installer script, I suggest adding to chk_init_sys() elif $(runit 2>/dev/null; [ $? = 111 ]); then _msg "${INF}init system is: runit" INIT_SYS="runit" return 0 and to the case in sys_enable_guix_daemon() runit) mkdir /etc/sv/guix-daemon echo "#!/bin/sh GUIX_LOCPATH=/var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/guix-profile/lib/locale exec /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/bin/guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild" >/etc/sv/guix-daemon/run chmod 755 /etc/sv/guix-daemon/run ln -sT /etv/sv/guix-daemon /var/service/guix-daemon ;; Or something like that :P Thanks for your support in IRC #guix !! Regards, Raimundo