00:00:00.000 [INFO] [sway/main.c:338] Sway version 1.8.1 00:00:00.000 [INFO] [sway/main.c:339] wlroots version 0.16.2 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] Linux guix-xps 6.4.12 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC 1 x86_64 GNU/Linux 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:136] Contents of /etc/os-release: 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] NAME="Guix System" 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] ID=guix 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] PRETTY_NAME="Guix System" 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] LOGO=guix-icon 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] HOME_URL="https://guix.gnu.org" 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] DOCUMENTATION_URL="https://guix.gnu.org/en/manual" 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] SUPPORT_URL="https://guix.gnu.org/en/help" 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] BUG_REPORT_URL="https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-guix" 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] LD_LIBRARY_PATH= 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] LD_PRELOAD= 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] PATH=/run/setuid-programs:/home/greeter/.config/guix/current/bin:/home/greeter/.guix-profile/bin:/run/current-system/profile/bin:/run/current-system/profile/sbin 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] SWAYSOCK= 00:00:00.004 [INFO] [sway/main.c:376] Starting sway version 1.8.1 00:00:00.004 [DEBUG] [sway/server.c:67] Initializing Wayland server 00:00:00.004 [INFO] [wlr] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:73] Seat opened with backend 'seatd' 00:00:00.004 [INFO] [wlr] [libseat] [libseat/backend/seatd.c:212] Enabling seat 00:00:00.004 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/session/session.c:109] Successfully loaded libseat session 00:00:00.005 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/backend.c:220] Found 1 GPUs 00:00:00.005 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/backend.c:200] Initializing DRM backend for /dev/dri/card0 (i915) 00:00:00.005 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:88] Using atomic DRM interface 00:00:00.005 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:100] ADDFB2 modifiers supported 00:00:00.005 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:253] Found 3 DRM CRTCs 00:00:00.005 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:180] Found 9 DRM planes 00:00:00.006 [INFO] [wlr] [render/egl.c:201] Supported EGL client extensions: EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_EXT_device_base EGL_EXT_device_enumeration EGL_EXT_device_query EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_debug EGL_EXT_platform_device EGL_EXT_platform_wayland EGL_KHR_platform_wayland EGL_EXT_platform_x11 EGL_KHR_platform_x11 EGL_EXT_platform_xcb EGL_MESA_platform_gbm EGL_KHR_platform_gbm EGL_MESA_platform_surfaceless 00:00:00.006 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:469] Using EGL device /dev/dri/card0 00:00:00.036 [INFO] [wlr] [render/egl.c:347] Using EGL 1.5 00:00:00.036 [INFO] [wlr] [render/egl.c:348] Supported EGL display extensions: EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers EGL_IMG_context_priority EGL_KHR_cl_event2 EGL_KHR_config_attribs EGL_KHR_context_flush_control EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_3D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_no_config_context EGL_KHR_reusable_sync EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float EGL_KHR_wait_sync EGL_MESA_configless_context EGL_MESA_drm_image EGL_MESA_image_dma_buf_export EGL_MESA_query_driver EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display 00:00:00.036 [INFO] [wlr] [render/egl.c:350] Supported EGL device extensions: EGL_EXT_device_drm EGL_EXT_device_drm_render_node 00:00:00.036 [INFO] [wlr] [render/egl.c:352] EGL vendor: Mesa Project 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:121] Supported DMA-BUF formats: 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AB4H (0x48344241) 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XB4H (0x48344258) 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AB48 (0x38344241) 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XB48 (0x38344258) 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AR30 (0x30335241) 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XR30 (0x30335258) 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AB30 (0x30334241) 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AR24 (0x34325241) 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AB24 (0x34324241) 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XR24 (0x34325258) 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XB24 (0x34324258) 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.036 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AR15 (0x35315241) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] RG16 (0x36314752) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] R8 (0x20203852) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] R16 (0x20363152) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] GR88 (0x38385247) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] GR32 (0x32335247) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YUV9 (0x39565559) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YU11 (0x31315559) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YU12 (0x32315559) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YU16 (0x36315559) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YU24 (0x34325559) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YVU9 (0x39555659) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YV11 (0x31315659) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YV12 (0x32315659) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YV16 (0x36315659) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YV24 (0x34325659) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] NV12 (0x3231564E) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] P010 (0x30313050) 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] P012 (0x32313050) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] P016 (0x36313050) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] P030 (0x30333050) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] NV16 (0x3631564E) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AYUV (0x56555941) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XYUV (0x56555958) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y410 (0x30313459) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y412 (0x32313459) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y416 (0x36313459) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YUYV (0x56595559) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] UYVY (0x59565955) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y210 (0x30313259) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y212 (0x32313259) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y216 (0x36313259) 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render 00:00:00.038 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:185] EGL DMA-BUF format modifiers supported 00:00:00.040 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:420] Obtained high priority context 00:00:00.040 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:518] Using EGL_PLATFORM_DEVICE_EXT 00:00:00.040 [INFO] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:718] Creating GLES2 renderer 00:00:00.040 [INFO] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:719] Using OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 23.1.4 00:00:00.040 [INFO] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:720] GL vendor: Intel 00:00:00.040 [INFO] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:721] GL renderer: Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (BDW GT2) 00:00:00.040 [INFO] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:722] Supported GLES2 extensions: GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_depth_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_NV_conditional_render GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_NV_pack_subimage GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_viewport_array GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_NV_draw_buffers GL_NV_read_buffer GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_depth_stencil GL_NV_read_stencil GL_EXT_draw_buffers GL_EXT_instanced_arrays GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_robustness GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_group_vote GL_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_INTEL_performance_query GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_base_instance GL_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_render_snorm GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_texture_view GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_NV_image_formats GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation GL_OES_copy_image GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_OES_tessellation_point_size GL_OES_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_texture_view GL_EXT_blend_func_extended GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_geometry_point_size GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_shader_samples_identical GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_geometry_point_size GL_OES_geometry_shader GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_EXT_clear_texture GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb GL_MESA_shader_integer_functions GL_EXT_clip_control GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_fd GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod GL_INTEL_blackhole_render GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives GL_EXT_demote_to_helper_invocation GL_EXT_depth_clamp GL_EXT_texture_query_lod GL_MESA_bgra 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/allocator/allocator.c:106] Trying to create gbm allocator 00:00:00.066 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/allocator/gbm.c:210] Created GBM allocator with backend drm 00:00:00.066 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/allocator/gbm.c:213] Using DRM node /dev/dri/card0 00:00:00.066 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_idle.c:246] idle manager created 00:00:00.066 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_drm_lease_v1.c:638] Creating wlr_drm_lease_device_v1 for /dev/dri/card0 00:00:00.066 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-1.lock check permissions 00:00:00.066 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-2.lock check permissions 00:00:00.066 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-3.lock check permissions 00:00:00.066 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-4.lock check permissions 00:00:00.066 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-5.lock check permissions 00:00:00.066 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-6.lock check permissions 00:00:00.066 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-7.lock check permissions 00:00:00.066 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-8.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-9.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-10.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-11.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-12.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-13.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-14.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-15.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-16.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-17.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-18.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-19.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-20.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-21.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-22.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-23.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-24.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-25.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-26.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-27.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-28.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-29.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-30.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-31.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [INFO] [wlr] [wayland] unable to open lockfile /run/user/986/wayland-32.lock check permissions 00:00:00.067 [ERROR] [sway/server.c:231] Unable to open wayland socket 00:00:00.067 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_drm_lease_v1.c:103] Destroying wlr_drm_lease_device_v1 for /dev/dri/card0