Hi, there is not an error message upon starting it but by stopping it: Jun 14 23:52:18 localhost shepherd[1]: Stopping service libvirtd... Jun 14 23:52:18 localhost libvirtd: 157: error : virGDBusGetSystemBus:99 : internal error: Unable to get system bus connection: Could not connect: No such file or directory I have added the command output of "grep -i libvirt /var/log/messages" as attachment. NOTE: That permission denied error on the ISO is happening since I copied /etc/libvirt from my old system. I have 10+ VMs and thought this works as well as of re importing every vm. PS: I wanted to create a VM to not taint logs but since I upgraded the VM I just have a black screen. It was a Guix VM installed through the installer with GNOME. I ran guix pull and added spice, libvirt and virtlog to the config. After guix system reconfigure config.scm I know have a black screen upon logging in to the system. This was only after reconfiguring the system. Before it worked normally. I used the ISO that reports a permission denied error in the logs I attached. GDM works fine but after logging it is just a black screen. Also my mouse cursor changes from a arrow pointer to the default cross cursor from x11. I guess something is broken on latest? Best Regards Christian Miller