2017-01-01 18:35 GMT+01:00 Gnu Röoty <walidslack@gmail.com>:
no !
But I use a SSD DISK

2017-01-01 18:31 GMT+01:00 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>:

Gnu Röoty <walidslack@gmail.com> writes:

>>What does it say right before that?
> Nothing the kernel this decompress while 2 secondes and directly after he
> appear the message error with Guile.
> I put a file screen

Well, it does say this:

  ERROR: LUKS partition not found

>>What system configuration file did you use to initialise the system?
> For the file config.scm I use the config by default I modified just locale
> in "fr_FR.UTF-8" and the grub-configuration device "/dev/sda"

Are you using an encrypted disk?


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