It looks like module tkinter doesn't load for some reason. Here is the tail of the build log: starting phase `sanity-check' validating 'future' /gnu/store/9qknps8svnw5njfr823bm1il1gw5nxlm-python2-future-0.18.2/lib/python2.7/site-packages ...checking requirements: OK ...trying to load module _dummy_thread: OK ...trying to load module _markupbase: OK ...trying to load module _thread: OK ...trying to load module builtins: OK ...trying to load module copyreg: OK ...trying to load module future: OK ...trying to load module html: OK ...trying to load module http: OK ...trying to load module libfuturize: OK ...trying to load module libpasteurize: OK ...trying to load module past: OK ...trying to load module queue: OK ...trying to load module reprlib: OK ...trying to load module socketserver: OK ...trying to load module tkinter: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/gnu/store/", line 69, in importlib.import_module(name) File "/gnu/store/y14nmmzzcs2a6m2gnn2diak2gkf5v2av-python2-2.7.18/lib/python2.7/importlib/", line 37, in import_module __import__(name) File "/gnu/store/9qknps8svnw5njfr823bm1il1gw5nxlm-python2-future-0.18.2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tkinter/", line 5, in from Tkinter import * File "/gnu/store/y14nmmzzcs2a6m2gnn2diak2gkf5v2av-python2-2.7.18/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/", line 39, in import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk ImportError: No module named _tkinter ...trying to load module winreg: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/gnu/store/", line 69, in importlib.import_module(name) File "/gnu/store/y14nmmzzcs2a6m2gnn2diak2gkf5v2av-python2-2.7.18/lib/python2.7/importlib/", line 37, in import_module __import__(name) File "/gnu/store/9qknps8svnw5njfr823bm1il1gw5nxlm-python2-future-0.18.2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/winreg/", line 6, in from _winreg import * ImportError: No module named _winreg ...trying to load module xmlrpc: OK ...trying to load endpoint console_scripts pasteurize: OK ...trying to load endpoint console_scripts futurize: OK error: in phase 'sanity-check': uncaught exception: %exception #<&invoke-error program: "python" arguments: ("/gnu/store/" "/gnu/store/9qknps8svnw5njfr823bm1il1gw5nxlm-python2-future-0.18.2/lib/python2.7/site-packages") exit-status: 1 term-signal: #f stop-signal: #f> phase `sanity-check' failed after 0.2 seconds command "python" "/gnu/store/" "/gnu/store/9qknps8svnw5njfr823bm1il1gw5nxlm-python2-future-0.18.2/lib/python2.7/site-packages" failed with status 1