
Actually, when I ran the `guix system init` command from the command line, it seems that it was just a network error on my part, so when it stopped working, I was able to just run the command again and pick up where I left off. 



On Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 10:11 AM Josselin Poiret <dev@jpoiret.xyz> wrote:
Hi Mathieu and imran,

Let me add that the `guix system init` call that is part of the
installer is the only thing not covered by the dumping mechanism we
added, leading to such a raw backtrace without any bells and
whistles.  Maybe we could improve that part.

Also, I'm currently quite busy with IRL matters so I don't think I will
be generally available until the end of August.

Josselin Poiret