Hello, I have a desktop computer that sits in the same room where I sleep. The fans produce a noise that I would prefer not to hear when going to bed. For that reason, I wish to make use of the hibernation feature, in which the system state is suspended to disk as described here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Power_management/Suspend_and_hibernate The IRC user *nxck*, who was very helpful, after some brief experimentation concluded that Guix System probably does not support the hibernation feature. Indeed the following comment in the source code suggests as much: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/tree/gnu/services/desktop.scm#n598 Additionally I found the following message in this mailing list from three years ago which stated that the feature is not supported: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-guix/2016-11/msg00067.html The three requirements for the hibernation feature to my knowledge are: 1) sufficient swap space; 2) the resume kernel parameter; and 3) the resume hook in the initramfs. So, in the case that this feature is currently supported, I ask for guidance in implementing it, and in the case that it is not currently supported, I put forth my advocacy for its support and ask for guidance in adding support for it. Thank you.