2018-03-06 15:43 GMT+01:00 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>:

Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net> writes:

> Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com> writes:
>> I suppose we'll have to set PYTHONHASHSEED somewhere in
>> python-build-system as well.  Did you check if that makes a difference
>> for numpy?  Perhaps it's enough to set it if we add an auto-compilation
>> step?
> Right, I’m going to test this with numpy now.  Thanks for the hint!

It did help with one file, which is now built reproducibly, namely


This leaves five files in numpy that shouldn’t be but unfortunately are

Unfortunately backporting the upstream version is not straightforward at all.
There are too many changes. I will have a look at those test failures instead.

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