Hello Guixers I’ll prefacing by saying I’m still rather green to Guix System and Home, but am loving every minute of hacking, even when things dont immediate go according to plan. This morning I’m attempting to use Guix for all of my Emacs package management needs, however one package, emacs-dash-2.19.1 seems to be failing to build. According to the logs, this is due to a long-than-80-character doctring. According to their repository, this issue has been address, but a new release has not yet been cut containing the fix. What is the prescribed way of addressing such an issue, where emacs-dash is an input on one or more of the packages I’m attempting to install as part of my reconfigure. I’ve run `guix pull' and `guix package -u' . I’m uncertain of creating a new package definition with tests disabled would be the solution, but I’ve yet to try. Best Regards, Bryan Paronto bryan@cablecar.digital -- *Bryan Paronto* Software Engineer, Principal Consultant bryan@cablecar.digital | 239.200.2312 Book A Meeting with Me