Hi Danny,

On Sat, Jan 2, 2021 at 9:50 AM Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@scratchpost.org> wrote:
> >From the solutions we do have so far, I believe that making user
> > accounts an explicit part of service configuration (in what shape may
> > still be up for debate),

Not everything needs to be user configurable.  You suggest having these kinds
of things especially user-configurable as a work-around for them not being
stable, right?  Or do you want it in general?

I would like to avoid them here, if only needed for that reason.

Is there a need for using custom service UIDs?
I think if so, that is independent of this bug report, which asked for
stable UIDs and GIDs.

As far as I know, stability is sufficient for me, but Leo raised some cases where specific values would ease migration. An /etc/passwd seed file seems like another reasonable way to handle that, but I haven't investigated how difficult this change would be compared adding new knobs in operating-system.