Hi, I just installed guix on top of Debian Buster using the installation script at guix.gnu.org. I did this on two machines, hat and wand, with the hope that I could offload compilation to wand. This is what I get: root@hat:~# guix offload test guile: warning: failed to install locale hint: Consider installing the `glibc-utf8-locales' or `glibc-locales' package and defining `GUIX_LOCPATH', along these lines: guix package -i glibc-utf8-locales export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale" See the "Application Setup" section in the manual, for more info. guix offload: testing 1 build machines defined in '/etc/guix/machines.scm'... guix offload: Guix is usable on 'wand.pdc.kth.se' (test returned "/gnu/store/883yjkl46dxw9mzykykmbs0yzwyxm17z-test") guix offload: 'wand.pdc.kth.se' is running GNU Guile 3.0.1 sending 1 store item (0 MiB) to 'wand.pdc.kth.se'... exporting path `/gnu/store/sd0wqvaffi1cbpvf0dq37mab34rmlnav-export-test' ;;; [2020/03/17 12:45:48.671038, 0] write_to_channel_port: [GSSH ERROR] Remote channel is closed: # Backtrace: 1 (primitive-load "/root/.config/guix/current/bin/guix") In guix/ui.scm: 1833:12 0 (run-guix-command _ . _) guix/ui.scm:1833:12: In procedure run-guix-command: Throw to key `guile-ssh-error' with args `("write_to_channel_port" "Remote channel is closed" # #f)'. Any hints about what could be wrong? Best regards, Mikael Djurfeldt