Changing the po files in guix repo will work at first, it'll be negated next time I push changes from weblate. We could change the po files to ensure continuity, but we have to also apply the change to the repo behind weblate. I can take care of it after the patch is pushed.

Le 22 janvier 2023 15:49:55 GMT+01:00, zimoun <> a écrit :

On Sat, 21 Jan 2023 at 17:52, Remco van 't Veer <> wrote:

* guix/scripts/gc.scm (guix-gc): Round MiBs in user feedback.
* po/*/*.po (guix/scripts/gc.scm)a: Round MiBs in user feedback.

If the way to go with the translation dance?

I don't know. I figured since the translation key was changed this
would be the best way to do this but to be honest I don't understand how
to do this using "weblate" (from info:guix#Translating Guix).

Julien, WDYT?

The only change is:

diff --git a/guix/scripts/gc.scm b/guix/scripts/gc.scm
index 5e775c5cdb..2bbfb26d5d 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/gc.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/gc.scm
@@ -260,10 +260,10 @@ (define-command (guix-gc . args)
;; Attempt to have at least SPACE bytes available in STORE.
(let ((free (free-disk-space (%store-prefix))))
(if (> free space)
- (info (G_ "already ~h MiBs available on ~a, nothing to do~%")
+ (info (G_ "already ~,2h MiBs available on ~a, nothing to do~%")
(/ free 1024. 1024.) (%store-prefix))
(let ((to-free (- space free)))
- (info (G_ "freeing ~h MiBs~%") (/ to-free 1024. 1024.))
+ (info (G_ "freeing ~,2h MiBs~%") (/ to-free 1024. 1024.))
(collect-garbage store to-free)))))

(define (delete-generations store pattern)
@@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ (define-command (guix-gc . args)
(ensure-free-space store free-space))
(let-values (((paths freed) (collect-garbage store min-freed)))
- (info (G_ "freed ~h MiBs~%") (/ freed 1024. 1024.))))
+ (info (G_ "freed ~,2h MiBs~%") (/ freed 1024. 1024.))))
(let-values (((paths freed) (collect-garbage store)))
- (info (G_ "freed ~h MiBs~%") (/ freed 1024. 1024.)))))))
+ (info (G_ "freed ~,2h MiBs~%") (/ freed 1024. 1024.)))))))

and captured by G_ so does this only to be applied and then all the
msgid updated by the translation process?

Yes, this is the only change. The old keys will be orphaned though and
remain in the po files. I'd be happy to drop the po/*/*.po part of the
patch if that helps.

Julien, what is the best solution? Apply a patch touching all PO files
or apply a patch touching only the messages captured by G_ and then
update separately the translations?
