## Step to reproduce Fresh intallation with guix-system-install-1.4.0rc1.x86_64-linux.iso guix pull guix package -u sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm ## Expected result the system is upgraded ** Unexpected result guix system: erreur : aborting reconfiguration because commit d7c8cb7e53682a52a80bd35e2deaaab7f3e0c912 of channel 'guix' is not a descendant of 883fefe1605499c8d98426f2915816dddd7448ef conseil : Utilisez `--allow-downgrades' pour forcer ce retour en arrière. ## Note: I did the installation twice with the same result, once with guix package -u once without guix package -u before guix system reconfigure Hardware: Lenovo T400 with libreboot Intel core T9900 × 2 sda / sdb /home (encrypted)