Roman Scherer schreef op za 19-03-2022 om 16:29 [+0100]: > the emacs-lsp-treemacs package does not bundle it's icons. This patch > fixes the issue by copying the icons to `share/emacs-lsp- > treemacs/icons` and patching the paths in `lsp-treemacs-themes.el`. That might technically solves matter, though instead of copying, why not just change (string-append "\"" out "/share/" ,name "/icons/" name "\"") to the location of the icons? Unless you meant something else with bundling here ... Also, what do you mean with bundling exactly? AFAICT, the icons _are_ bundled, in the directory 'icons', and so far they have not yet been unbundled in Guix -- the problem is that they are not installed (yet) -- in that case, the patch seems reasonable to me. Additionally, there may be some licensing problems. The icons apparently come from ‘eclipse’, ‘idea’ and ‘netbeans’. I don't actually know which license these have, but: * idea is propietary, so probably its icons are as well * Eclipse is ASL, which probably has some kind of requirement that you need to preserve license and copyright information, which seems to be completely ignored here. * the relevant licenses don't appear to be entioned in the 'licenses' field. As such, if these problems are not resolved, I think it will be necessary to remove emacs-lsp-treemacs. It seems like emacs-company-box ( has the same problem as well. Also seem upstream . Greetings, Maxime.