Raghav, Thanks for taking a look at this. I'm sure there's plenty to be improved in how we package a large collection of software like GNOME in an intuitive way. Raghav Gururajan wrote: > The following gnome core applications have already been included > in > guix's gnome package but requires correct renaming? > > epiphany --> gnome-web Using ‘correct’ here is a bit strong. ~ λ guix install epiphany ~ λ gnome-web bash: gnome-web: command not found ~ λ epiphany # browsin' time While we don't blindly name packages after the binaries they provide, of course, a look at the project's own publications doesn't reduce the confusion. Ironic. “Web is the web browser for the GNOME desktop and for elementary OS, based on the popular WebKit engine. It offers a simple, clean, beautiful view of the web featuring first-class GNOME and Pantheon desktop integration. Its code name is Epiphany. You may install Web from the software repositories of most Linux operating systems, where it is normally packaged as "epiphany-browser" or "epiphany". ”[0] The README[1] mainly, but not exclusively, talks about ‘Epiphany’. Even the two URLs balance each other out. I don't think there's enough here to justify gross renaming, and in the name of all that's holy let's avoid another mass renaming incident. Personally, I think adding ‘GNOME Foo’ to the synopses of all these packages is sufficient (epiphany does this by coincidence, calling itself the ‘GNOME web browser’). Eventually, this could be another use for the separate (G)UI display name field as suggested in the games thread. :-) Package names aren't opaque identifiers, but they can be a little technical IMO. Kind regards, T G-R [0]: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Web [1]: https://github.com/GNOME/epiphany