RAUL H C LOPES writes: > Hi Marius, > > I've managed to install GuixSD by chossing  msdos instead of gpt. > Coincidence? Is the gpt setup tested? Can you share the steps required to reproduce the error? > I've running the system for a few days. > > I need now a good manual> I'm suffering for: >  - reconfigure stuff that is usually in /etc, like /etc/ssh/sshd_config; There is a good up-to-date manual here: . Search for 'openssh-configuration' for examples on how to configure the SSH daemon. >  - running a make on an open source project who looks for linux libs > where debian would find them. Typically you would do something like `guix environment --ad-hoc gcc-toolchain make` to enter a shell environment where all the dependencies of the program you want to build are present.