Hello! I’ve run an installation with: qemu-img create -f qcow2 /tmp/img.qcow2 2G qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048 \ -cdrom /gnu/store/…-image.iso -hda /tmp/img.qcow2 \ -boot d where the image was obtained by running: guix system disk-image -t iso9660 --label=GUIX_x86_64-linux_1.2.1 \ gnu/system/install.scm The installer would propose me two target storage devices: hard disk and CD/DVD. I mistakenly chose the latter, which led to a crash (screenshot attached). Possible improvements are: 1. gracefully handling this error; 2. filtering out read-only storage devices from the menu. Thoughts? (This is with commit 863bd265e458d2761906770802716555c54e69a4.) Ludo’.